Monday, July 26, 2010

Ace Combat 6 Assault Record (Part 1 / 2) - Estovakia

EDIT: I uploaded annotation links to other videos that show where they appear, and Aces are or how to get to spawn. This time I show you the full Ace Combat 6 Assault Record, with tips on finding the axes of color SP. My apologies for not going into detail with the pilots witches because wanted to focus on others. But here, where all the witches through the air campaign, see: Mission 1: Shoot down as many witches as you can and shouldVictor finally unlock Voycheck. Mission 4 Update: Two witches attack after the mission. Shoot two down and one of them will appear in your Assault Record. Mission 6: There are 4 craft witches mixed with enemy fighters. Shoot down all and one of the pilots will open in your records. Mission 9: Destroy all the members who move out of Aigaion witches. Two pilots will attack your record, if the mission is complete. Mission 11: Destroy all trades after witchesupdate the mission to complete the mission. 2 of the pilot is in your record asault later. Mission 13: Shoot down Pasternak, and will be in your records after completing the mission. Mission 15: Shoot all that witches available on the chandelier, four pilots Assault Record after the credits, and be submitted as completed. The color scheme of axes will not appear when playing in easy mode. They appear only on Normal or higher. And be sure to shoot all the necessaryWitches ...

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