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Bill Gates is not only popular with many people. In fact, many people hate him. Maybe you're one of them.
This is a shame. Bill Gates does not deserve to be hated. It 's incredibly generous and giving. Has a foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is spending € 1500000000 per year - from all the public interest. This number is so large, it is difficult to imagine.
In fact, Bill Gates has now pledged to charity through his foundation full time. HeRetirement from Microsoft to do so. Surprisingly, some people still think that is an asshole. These people are usually the type that are jealous and bitter and negative for someone else's success.
Now Microsoft is not a perfect society. But there is no perfect society! Microsoft is an evil far less than many companies corporate America.
Bill Gates was a great success and is very generous. There is no reason to have feelings for another man haveto respect and admire what was out of nowhere with Microsoft.
Let's be realistic for being here. You can not give to others if you have nothing. If Bill Gates had not begun to take, he would have nothing to give. Who would have benefited if he had instead of the modest ambition? None.
Bill Gates was smart enough to get this. It is a brilliant man, and has built a society so impressive that become a real force for change in the world. Instead of sittingaround complaining about how he has all this money, perhaps you wonder what to do to make the world a better place.
Bill Gates is busy every day with that, the fight against hunger in the world, give money for AIDS research, usually only as an amazing person who tries to help everyone.
You just hurt, although the successes annoy others. If you believe that the rich are rich because they are greedy and corrupt, which means about his chances of becoming rich? If you thinkYou're a good man, and the rich are bad people, you probably will not get rich
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