Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Installing a Chandelier

If you are installing a lighter weight chandelier yourself, it should be fairly simple. However, any installation is easier if you have other person helping you. For heavier chandeliers, anyone over 35 lbs., you may want to have an electrician install your fixture as an further ceiling bracket will need to be installed to hold the further weight. anyone over 100 lbs. Will wish cabling in the ceiling so, because these chandeliers are so heavy and, because of the further cabling required, you will want to consult an electrician.

Parts Needed For approved Mounting


For this installation, it is assumed that you will be using an existing ceiling box, or a new one that has already been installed.

Installing a Chandelier

For most approved ceiling mountings, the following parts you may need are:
Fixture stud or fixture strap. Sometimes you will need an postponement or plain nipple so it's best to have these parts as well, just in case. The maker will most likely comprise any further mounting parts required by a extra fixture, but be sure to check prior to starting your installation.

Installing Your Chandelier
Chandeliers can be mounted directly into your ceiling box; however, mounting styles can vary. This is due to weight, create and also sometimes because of style. Heavier chandeliers (anything over 35 lbs.) need to be mounted firmly and will wish installation of "L" brackets in the ceiling above the ceiling box. Read all of the instructions provided by the manufacturer. It is recommended that you read the instructions through once, and ensure that you have all tools and parts requisite prior to starting the installation. Then, as you are installing the chandelier you can read the instructions again as you go. Or, great yet, have person help you and they can read the instructions as you work. After reading the instructions and ensuring you have all the accurate materials, the next thing you will want to do is turn off the current advent from your fuse box. This is very foremost as you do not want to risk the inherent of electric shock. You should be able to use the existing hickey from the old fixture; however, if there is a non-standard hickey needed, the maker will typically contribute that in the packaging. Some chandeliers will naturally bolt to brackets that are mounted right onto the mounting strap. If this is the case, attach the mounting bracket to the nipple and then position it securely with the locknut. Mount the chandelier to the brackets that are fastened to the mounting strap. There are other chandeliers that are mounted to the outlet box by a approved fixture strap. Once you mount it to the strap, then mount the strap to the threaded section of the outlet box. From there, you can mount the canopy directly to the mounting strap. Attach the finishing nuts to the canopy. These should be supplied in your packaging by the manufacturer.

Installing a Chandelier

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